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 第一条 为规范进口货物特许权使用费的海关估价,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和《中华人民共和国海关进出口关税条例》,特制定本办法。
 第二条 本办法所称特许权使用费,是指进口货物的买方为获得使用专利、商标、专有技术、享有著作权的作品和其他权利的许可而支付的费用,包括:
 (一) 专利权使用费;
 (二) 商标权使用费;
 (三) 著作权使用费;
 (四) 专有技术使用费;
 (五) 分销或转售权费;
 (六) 其他类似费用。
 第三条 同时符合以下条件的特许权使用费应当计入进口货物的完税价格:
 (一) 与进口货物有关;
 (二) 费用的支付作为卖方出口销售该货物到中华人民共和国关境内的条件。
 第四条 符合本办法第五条至第八条规定的特许权使用费,应当视为与进口货物有关。
 第五条 特许权使用费是用于支付专利权或专有技术使用权,且进口货物属于下列情形之一的:
 (一) 含有专利或专有技术的货物;
 (二) 使用专利方法或专有技术生产的货物;
 (三) 为实施专利或专有技术而专门设计或制造的机器、设备。
 第六条 特许权使用费是用于支付商标权,且进口货物属于下列情形之一的:
 (一) 附有商标的进口货物;
 (二) 进口后附上商标直接可以转售的进口货物;
 (三) 进口时已含有商标权,经过轻度加工后附上商标即可转售的货物。
 第七条 特许权使用费是用于支付著作权,且进口货物属于下列情形之一的:
 (一) 含有软件、文字、乐曲、图片、图像或其他类似内容的进口货物,包括磁带、磁盘、光盘或其他类似介质的形式;
 (二) 含有其他享有著作权内容的进口货物。
 第八条 特许权使用费是用于支付进口货物的卖方所拥有的在中华人民共和国关境内的分销权、转售权或其他类似权利,且进口货物属于下列情形之一的:
 (一) 进口后可以直接销售的货物;
 (二) 经过轻度加工即可转售的货物。
 第九条 特许权使用费的支付构成进口货物的卖方向中华人民共和国关境内销售该货物的前提条件,即买方未支付上述费用则该货物不可能以合同议定的条件成交的,为符合本办法第三条第(二)项规定的条件。
 第十条 计入完税价格的特许权使用费应当按照该进口货物适用的税率征税。
 第十一条 收货人在向海关申报进口货物的同时,应当如实向海关申报以各种方式支付的特许权使用费的情况,并同时提供客观可量化的数据资料。
 第十二条 收货人支付的全部特许权使用费只有部分权利的费用符合本办法第三条规定,或收货人支付的符合本办法第三条规定的特许权使用费只涉及部分进口货物的,海关应当根据客观可量化的标准、公认的会计原则进行合理计算,并将有关部分的特许权使用费计入该进口货物的完税价格。
 第十三条 进口货物涉及的下列费用属于单独列明的,经海关审查确认后,不计入进口货物的完税价格:
 (一) 为在境内复制进口货物而支付的费用;
 (二) 技术培训及境外考察费用。
 第十四条 进口货物的收货人违反规定,未如实申报或伪报、瞒报特许权使用费的,海关将依照《中华人民共和国海关法》和《中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则》予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
 第十五条 本办法下列术语的含义:
 第十六条 本办法由海关总署负责解释。
 第十七条 本办法自2003年7月1日起施行。1993年1月8日发布的《中华人民共和国海关关于进口货物软件费征免税暂行办法》同时废止。
    海关总署 2003年5月30日 颁布
Decree of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Measure for Evaluation of the Charges for Using Imports Commodity Concession of the Custom of the People's Republic of China was approved by Administration Affairs Committee on May 29, 2003, and promulgated hereby and shall enter into force as of July 1, 2003.The Interim Measure of the Custom of the People's Republic of China of Exemption of Imports Commodities Software (ShuShui [1993] No.15) promulgated on January 8, 1993 shall be repealed simultaneously.
Minister: Mou Xinsheng
May 30, 2003

Measures for Evaluation of the Charges for Using Imports Commodity Concession of the Custom of the People's Republic of China
 Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Custom Law of the People's Republic of China and Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Duties for the purpose of standardizing custom evaluation of the charges for using imports commodity concession.
 Article 2 Charges for using imports commodity concession as mentioned in these measure shall cover charges for using patent right, trademark, expertise, copyright and so on, namely:
 (I) Charges for using patent right;
 (II) Charges for using trademark;
 (III) Charges for using copyright;
 (IV) Charges for using expertise;
 (V) Charges for distribution and resale;
 (VI) Charges of the same kind
 Article 3 Charges for using imports commodity concession shall be included in the duty-paying price when meet the following conditions:
 (I) Related to the imports commodities;
 (II) Seller views the payment as one precondition for certain goods to be sold within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
 Article 4 Charges for using concession shall be viewed as related to the import commodities under any circumstances in accordance with Article 5 to 8.
 Article 5 Charges for using concessions are payment for using patent right or expertise, and the import commodities shall be in accordance with any of the following situations:
 (I) goods contain patent and expertise;
 (II) goods which need patent and expertise to produce;
 (III) Machines or facilities specially designed for implementing the patent and expertise.
Patent, expertise imported in the forms of tape, disk, compact disc or medium of the same kind, transmitted or downloaded from internet, satellite will be viewed as related to the import commodities.
 Article 6 Charges for using concessions are payment for using trademark, and the import commodities shall be in accordance with any of the following situation:
 (I) import commodities with trademark;
 (II) import commodities which can be resold after attached with trademark;
 (III) acquiring trademark when imported, can be resold after slightly processing and after attached with trademark.
 Article 7 Charges for using concessions are payment for using copyright, and the import commodities shall be in accordance with any of the following situations
 (I) import commodities with software, character, music, picture, image or things of the same kind in the forms as tapes, discs, compact disc and medium of the same kind;
 (II) import commodities with other forms of copyright.
 Article 8 Charges for using concessions are payment for the seller to acquire the right of resale, distribution and right of the same kind within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and the import commodities shall be in accordance with any of the following situations:
 (I) commodities which can be resold directly after entering;
 (II) commodities which can be resole after slightly processing.
 Article 9 The payment of the charges for using concessions constitutes the preconditions for the sellers to sell certain commodities within the territory of People's Republic of China. To be in accordance with the second item of Article 3, the transaction of the commodities proceeds after the payment of the charges.
 Article 10 Charges for using concessions included in the duty-paying price shall be levied according to the duty rate of the import commodities.
 Article 11 Consignee shall make a truthful declaration with regard to means of paying the charges for using the concession when declaring the import commodities to the customs. The consignee shall also provide objective and quantifiable data.
Charges for using the concession shall be added to the duty-paying price when comply with Article 3. The customs shall examine and approve the charges based on quantifiable and objective data. The duty-paying price shall be fixed by the customs; Where the consignee can not provide relevant data or can not provide objective and quantifiable data, the duty-paying value of an import item shall be fixed by the Customs according to the Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China For Assessment of Duty-paying Price on Import and Export Goods.
Charges for using the concession shall not be added to the duty-paying price when consignee proves it does not comply with article 3, and after the confirmation of the customs. Any charges which have been added to the duty-paying price shall be deducted. The charges which has not been separately stated and the Customs cannot judge from the data provided by the consignee shall not be deducted therefore.
 Article 12 Where only part of the charges for using the concession are in accordance with Article 3, or where the charges for using the concession in accordance with Article 3 only cover part of the commodities, the Customs shall assess the duty-paying price based on subjective, quantifiable standard and common-accepted accounting principals by adding relevant charges to the duty-paying price.
 Article 13 The charges which has been separately stated in any of the following circumstances will not be added into the duty-paying price after the examination of the Customs.:
 (I) charges for replicating the import commodity;
 (II) charges for skills training and oversea field trip;
The charges shall be deducted from the duty-paying price where the charges have been included in the price; Where the above-mentioned charges has not been separately stated and the Customs cannot judge from the data provided by the consignee, the charges shall not be deducted therefore
 Article 14 Any duty evasion by rendering false contracts, invoices and other documents, by making fraudulent declaration of the charges of using the concessions, shall be investigated and punished in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the Rules of Administrative Penalties for the Implementation of the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China.
 Article 15 Definitions of the following terms under the Regulations for Evaluation of the Charges for Using Imports Commodity Concession of the Custom of the People's Republic of China:
"Payment" herein refers payment of charges for using concession by any means, it has two meanings, one is charges having paid, another is charges to be paid.
"Software" herein refers the programs and documents for data processing under the Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software.
"Expertise" herein refers the knowledge, experience, technique and know-how for process design, prescription, product design, quality control, examine, marketing management in the forms of blueprint, model, technical data and so on.
"Charges for skills training" herein refers the teaching, accommodation, transportation and medical insurance fees for the technical personnel sent out by the seller or the third party related to the seller for giving technical instructions with regard to the import commodities.
"Slightly processing" herein refers such activities as dilute, mix, sort, simply assembly, repackage or any other activities of the same kink.
 Article 16 The General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China shall be responsible for the interpretation of the provisions.
 Article 17 These Measures shall enter into force as of July 1, 2003. The Interim Measures of the Custom of the People's Republic of China of Exemption of Imports Commodities Software promulgated on January 8, 1993 shall be repealed simultaneously.
    Promulgated by The General Administration of Customs on 2003-5-30 


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